- However the information from these relays is limited to data from signal contacts included in the relays.
- Separate transducer for voltage and currents can however be added to conventional relays.
- Signals from the conventional relays can be hardwired to the numerical ones. By this arrangement both existing relays and new numerical relays can communicate via a com-mon fibre-optic bus. This makes the concept suitable for partial retrofit as well as com-pletely new installations.
- The ABB Substation Automation concept has five corner stones.
- Protection
- Communication
- Control
- Monitoring
- Tools
- One of the main advantages of ABB Substa-tion Automation is that it may include build-ing blocks from various product ranges and generations. High performance and total quality are the major requirements for each building block.
Substation Automation Concept
Substation Automation Concept
- Protection for all applications
- Control with flexible system functions
- Communication with fibre optics
- Self-supervision and diagnostic
- Support of hardware and software
- State of the art microprocessor technology
- Distributed intelligence
- User-friendly workplaces
- High performance and availability
- Step by step implementation possible
- A total substation automation concept
- User friendly software tools
- Operation and supervision of HV equip-ment
- Data presentation
- Engineer’s support
- System supervision
- Remote control interfacing:
- Adaptation for serial communication with control centres via various protocols
- Automatic functions and control sequences:
- Interlocking of switching devices within a bay and between bays
- Synchro-check function
- Tap-changer control for voltage regulation
- Load transfer for parallel transformers
- Switching sequences
- Automatic power restoration
- Load shedding
- Autoreclosing
- Control of reactive power